Sabe aqueles óculos com cara de Lady Gaga/Editorial de Moda que são tudo, menos básicos?! Então! Eu descobri uma marca que faz estes óculos e muitas outras coisas e eles não tem um preço absurdo (great news!)
A Gasoline Glamour (sempre que leio este nome, a música "Fire meet Gasoline" da Sia toca na minha mente! Anyone?! \o) é especializada na criação de acessórios em geral, feitos à mão e de alta qualidade! Os acessórios já apareceram em vários editoriais de moda, capas de revistas e até nos looks das famosas!
Me apaixonei pelos óculos, que são um tanto quanto excêntricos, mas que são liindos e que eu usaria com certeza! Sem contar que, apesar de serem peças diferentes, elas não tem preços altos. A seleção que fiz abaixo tem preços que variam entre $38,00 e $78,00 dólares (não são baratinhos, mas cabe no bolso vai?!)
You know those glasses with a Lady Gaga/Fashion Editorial feeling, that are anything but basic?! I found a brand that makes these glasses and many other things and they do not have an absurd price (great news!)
The Gasoline Glamour (whenever I read this name, the song "Fire meet Gasoline" from Sia plays in my head! Anyone?! \o) it's specialized in creating general handmade accessories, with high quality! The accessories have appeared in several fashion editorials, magazine covers and even in the looks of the celebs!
I fell in love with the glasses, which are a little bit eccentric, but are amazing and I would use for sure! Not to mention that, although different pieces, they do not have high prices. The selection I made below have prices ranging between $38.00 and $78.00 US dollars.
You know those glasses with a Lady Gaga/Fashion Editorial feeling, that are anything but basic?! I found a brand that makes these glasses and many other things and they do not have an absurd price (great news!)
The Gasoline Glamour (whenever I read this name, the song "Fire meet Gasoline" from Sia plays in my head! Anyone?! \o) it's specialized in creating general handmade accessories, with high quality! The accessories have appeared in several fashion editorials, magazine covers and even in the looks of the celebs!
I fell in love with the glasses, which are a little bit eccentric, but are amazing and I would use for sure! Not to mention that, although different pieces, they do not have high prices. The selection I made below have prices ranging between $38.00 and $78.00 US dollars.
Além dos óculos a Gasoline Glamour também tem capas para celular, com preços um pouco mais salgadinhos, que variam entre $120,00 e $500,00 dólares, mas vale informar que as pedras usadas na confecção das peças são Cristais de Swarovski (chic!). Eu adorei as capas, super coloridas, criativas e brilhantes! (Confira abaixo!)
Beyond the glasses, Gasoline Glamour also have cellphone cases, that are a little bit expensive, ranging between $120.00 and $ 500.00 dollars, but is worth informing that the stones used in the manufacture of the pieces are Swarovski crystals (chic!). I loved the cases, super colorful, creative and shining! (See below!)
Além dos óculos e das capas de celular, a marca também tem tênis maravilhosos, orelhinhas de renda, colares, anéis, brincos, luvas, tiaras, headphones.. enfim! MUITA coisa legal!
Quem já usou e abusou dos acessórios foi Miley Cyrus, que volta e meia aparece com um acessório PÁH! Abaixo com óculos da marca e, na foto de amarelo, com as orelhinhas de renda da marca. Kendall Jenner também usou em um festival de Música e Pharrel usou seus tênis amarelos cobertos de cristais na apresentação do Grammy 2015 (esse tênis eu quero MUUITO!)
In addition to the glasses and cell phone casess, the brand also has wonderful tennis, fancy ears, necklaces, rings, earrings, gloves, headphones.. and many cool things!
Miley Cyrus is one who has used and abused of the accessories. Every now and than she shows up with something amazing! Down with the brand glasses and in the picture with the yellow cloths, with little ears from the brand. Kendall Jenner also used sunglasses from the brand in a music festival and Pharrell wore his yellow tennis, crystal covered, in the presentation of the Grammy 2015 (I really need this!)
In addition to the glasses and cell phone casess, the brand also has wonderful tennis, fancy ears, necklaces, rings, earrings, gloves, headphones.. and many cool things!
Miley Cyrus is one who has used and abused of the accessories. Every now and than she shows up with something amazing! Down with the brand glasses and in the picture with the yellow cloths, with little ears from the brand. Kendall Jenner also used sunglasses from the brand in a music festival and Pharrell wore his yellow tennis, crystal covered, in the presentation of the Grammy 2015 (I really need this!)
Adorei as peças! Tudo muito criativo, colorido, brilhante e perfeito pra sair do "normal" de vez em quando. Dá até pra se inspirar e dar um up naquele óculos antigo que merece uma repaginada.
Espero que vocês tenham gostado! Um super beijo :*
I loved the pieces! All very creative, colorful, shining and perfect to get out of the "normal" every once in a while. It can even inspire you to make an upgrade on that old glasses that deserves a makeover.
I hope you enjoyed! A super kiss :*
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